There once was a chang-chong.His name is Goog.He really liked popcorn.But the pop shop was closed.That is where all of the popcorn of he went on a rampage.Then he started to yell and scream.then the cops took him to jail for burning down the liberty bell.He spent 20 years in jail.When he got out of jail he went to where the pop shop was located.but it had moved.SO he crumbled the statue of liberty.then he went to jail for 30 years.When he got out he went to the other location where the pop shop was.He broke the whole Great Wall of China.So he went to jail for 40 years.When he got out of jail he went to the other location but the pop shop moved.He was going to wreck the Eiffel Tower.But santa came to get him.Then he worked as a elf and he got all the pop corn he whated.the end.