Its the top of the first Jakie Mitchell is on the mound.She strikes out Babe Ruth he threw his bat in anger and stomped off the field.Next up Lou Gehrig steps up to the plate he swung and missed three straight pitches he left the field with a little more pride.Then Tony Lazzeri stepped up and the manger called Jakie off and that was the night for Jakie.I think that boys will give a little more respect to girls now.
Author Archives: gbzdil
project on taxes
We did a project about taxes and the acts.I learned that there were thousands of pounds of tea thrown into the Boston Harbor witch lead to the Boston Tea Party.
Finding Martin Luther King
Last year in 2014 I went on a trip to Florida.when we went to the beach I snorkeled I found many cool looking shells and sand dollars.Also on some of the days I saw Manta Rays in the water.There were many mini golf places.So on some of the nights my dad my brother and I went and played mini golf.My favorite golf course was the glow in the dark one.But the vacation had to end so we took the boring drive back home to Texas and the vacation was over.
What I am looking forward to in 2015 is seeing my family this summer.They are coming down to Texas to visit me I am going to show them were I live.We are going we are going to stay in Dallas after we pick them up from the airport.then we are going to the mall and,Also some food places.I think they will like it down here in Texas.
chatter pix 2
Color Poem
Digital Conduct Project
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Life In 5th grade
Fith grade has been a fun year so far.We have had a few more tests than I would of hoped for,but we have had a lot more freedom.Also my teachers have been a lot more fun then I expected!that has been my life in fith grade so far!
Happy Mothers Days
My Mom taught me to always be nice to others.
The best advice my mother gave me is to always do my homework.
A funny moment with my Mom is when I fell,and I ploped on the floor.Then my Mom laughed at me.
I admire my Mom because she always makes the right desision. Also she always trys to help every one.
The Best Gift
The best gift ever is when I got my new bike for my birthday I got a Mountain bike. My grandfather bought it for me. He also showed me how to ride my new bike. But I fell a few times and hurt my arm. But one time I got the hang of it. Then I was really good. That was my best gift what yours?